Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To Mission College and Beyond...

BANGKOK: After our trip to the Northeast things have settled down and we are back at our church plant in Thonburi. I didn't realize how much I cared about the people here at our church until I didn't see them during our trip. The trip was fun and we got a lot accomplished but I was happy to be back home with the people I love. Please continue to pray for our church plant. Our head pastor, a missionary of 5 years, went was called away and we have a new pastor. His name is Prateep and he is a new graduate from Mission College. At the age of 23 this is a big project to take over. He is one of my favorite Thai's and is definately the man for the job. Please keep him and all the missionaries here in your prayers.

NEW CHRISTIANS: Since we have been back from the trip to the Northeast there have been many new visitors to the center. Some of my students from before have been wondering about our beliefs as Christians. I started Bible studies with them last week and they are eating it up. We started with creation and have now come to the start of Jesus' ministry on this earth. Please keep them in your prayers!

OTHER SM'S: Check out the other Student Missionarie's Blogs. Cory, Robin, and Kelly. We all have different perspectives on our experiences and I don't always have time to post. Check them out!

MISSION COLLEGE: This weekend we were able to go and visit Mission College. Prateep took us to his house less than a mile from the campus and took us around the town. From hiking to the White Buddha to riding motorcycles we had a great time.

COMMENTS: It IS OK to comment my blog. This would help me know who (if anyone) reads this. Thanks!


  1. I read it! I know some ppl have a hard time leaving a comment. I LOVE the updates and pictures! I love you and miss you! mom xoxox

  2. haha! I know how you feel about the comments, lol. I'm still loving your pictures and will continue to pray for all you are doing over there!

  3. You're so cool. Seriously. I just can't help but be impressed by your life. I miss you.

  4. When did you post this?!? How are you so fast, silent and deadly? You're like a blog ninja.

  5. If you don't have a blog account you can still post a comment. Just post and select Name/URL under the "comment as" select profile.

  6. Brandon, youre blog almsot bought me to tears. Almost because i am currently in the Library and i didnt want people to stare at me, But dude the photographs is worth a million words, and it is a great expierience, im happy for you and the new young pastor, that is a huge stressful job to take on, but God is good right?!.
    How do you feel, spiritually now? I want that feeling to happen to me, changed and new for God. I will keep you in prayers, also do the same for me and my spiritual walk with Christ. I of course love your images, it is very inspiring, i will keep emailing you and commenting your blog. Good job =]

  7. Hey Brandan, I always check to see your updates! Hopefully you'll be coming to Sunriver too so that we can get a full photo show! Enjoy your last few weeks! Love your cuz, Christy

  8. Dude I totally checked out my blog and I'm pretty sure its the exact some perspective as yours.
